Artist bio

Nukuna, son of Halle, is a versatile artist. He was born into a lineage of creative individuals in the West African town of Bamenda, Cameroon. His studios are in Wokingham, where he currently resides. His interest and education in art began by observing his father, a multi-talented artist. In his teens, he learned the rudiments of art in an atelier in Cameroon. Nukuna uses a range of mediums, including photography, pen and ink, acrylics, watercolour and charcoal.

After moving to the UK, he obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Photography, then set up a framing and printing business to ensure the purity of his creative vision and also to support other artists and collectors. 

A deep interest in spirituality informs Nukuna's work. “ Imagery is the first language of the mind. It is also a cheap and effective form of healing” Nukuna 

Nukuna currently has artwork in private collections across five continents and in three permanent public exhibitions across the UK. In addition, his work has been featured in several group exhibitions, and his first solo exhibition, entitled "The Beautiful Mind", took place in 2017 in London. His articles and artwork have also been featured in several publications read worldwide. To serve the art community, he sat on the committee of the Fine Art Trade Guild.

Ancient civilisations understood and used the healing power of art more than we currently do. Most of Nukuna's work is an attempt to create a mirror for the audience to look into. The eye is the gateway of the soul. Healing comes from seeing.

You can see more of Nukuna's work at


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